We love making these decorative merkabahs for our home, today I have outlined the steps of how we make them. This fun and easy craft is made with nothing but a few inexpensive pipe cleaners.
We use them by placing them in the four corners of a room or car to refresh the energy of the space. We also like to hang them from the walls or placing them on furniture and they make great ornaments on our Christmas tree.
The merkabah, or star tetrahedron, represents our ascension “vehicle” or lightbody and is quite a powerful shape to surround yourself with. In ancient Hebrew texts, the merkabah was used as an object for visionary contemplation and the word literally means “vehicle of light”.
Mer - Light
Ka - Spirit
Bah - Form
The merkabah is the shape of the human lightbody, the field of energy that surrounds each of us. This symbol is an upward facing tetrahedron and a downward facing one intertwined together representing unity - the marriage of the physical and spiritual, the merging of the male and female counterparts, giving rise to a third entity.
In her book The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote, Magenta Pixie refers to the merkabah activation as the rose gold flame. The gold (male, matter) and silver (female, antimatter) move into an ‘alchemical merge’ to create the rose gold flame (child). This flame is part of a language of light which speaks directly to the DNA, naturally keying the individual to the Schumann resonance and creating a shield from negative frequencies.
Other terms for the duality counterparts which merge to create a ‘divine marriage’ or merkabah activation includes:
male /female
expression or pulse/ distortion
Gold flame/ silver flame
Day (sun)/ Night (moon)
Left hemisphere of the human brain/ Right hemisphere of the human brain
Matter/ Antimatter
Magnetic/ Electric
In Sol Luckman’s inspiring book Conscious Healing, he describes the process of lightbody activation as “…the liquid crystals of cells evolve from primitive hexagonal structures observed in normal human tissues to what have been called star tetrahedrons…. In such a scenario, the hydrogen bond angles of our water molecules literally may broaden and become interlocking tetrahedrons in order to hold more light or photonic energy that partially results from the enlarged hydrogen angles. These structures that form the liquid matrix for the new blood and tissues are thought to resemble three-dimensional Stars of David or biomolecular merkabahs.” (Quoted from Conscious Healing p. 163-164)
As the water molecules of our bodies take on the shape of the merkabah, the cells of our bodies begin to draw in and metabolize more light. And since water holds memory, surrounding ourselves with this merkabah shape can be quite powerful.
We have found that surrounding ourselves with this shape, whether in a 2D painting or 3D structure, can help us raise our vibration and heal from negativity, insecurities, and outside influences.
How to…
First, gather your materials. You will need 10 pipe cleaners and a pair of scissors. I personally like using 2 different colors, 5 of each color. However, you can use any combinations of colors you want.
Step 2: Take two of the pipe cleaners, one of each color, and cut them into 4 pieces (making 3 cuts each). These will be the “joints” of the merkabah.
For the remaining eight, twist the ends together to make teardrop shapes. Make at least three twists each to make sure they hold.
Step 3:
Form your teardrops into equilateral triangles. You can use a ruler to make them perfect, but I found that eyeballing it usually works as well.
Step 4:
After making 4 triangles, compare them and make sure they are as identical as possible, adjust as needed.
Step 5:
Repeat these steps to make the remaining 4 triangles. You now have 2 sets of 4 triangles and 4 cut pieces.
Step 6:
Working with one set at a time, take 3 of the triangles and use one of the cut pieces to twist the triangles together making a pyramid shape.
Step 7:
Use the 4th triangle as the base of the pyramid, securing each point with the remaining 3 cut pieces, completing the tetrahedron shape.
Step 8:
Repeat the same steps with the other set of 4 triangles and cut pieces. You now have two tetrahedron shapes.
Step 9:
Fit one of the tetrahedrons inside the other with the points of the tetrahedrons facing opposite directions, they may get bent up a bit.
Step 10:
After straightening up any bends, you will end up with the interlocking tetrahedron merkabah shape.
Enjoy and have fun experimenting with your mini merkabahs!
For Conscious Healing by Sol Luckman click here.
For The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote by Magenta Pixie click here.