We Help Each Other
We Help Each Other Podcast
Moons Within Moons (Meditation)

Moons Within Moons (Meditation)

From the book The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame (Sacred Mysteries of Stargate Ascension) by Magenta Pixie. This meditation is for bilocation of consciousness or Matrix Transportation

This is the first of our audio readings read by my beloved Julia of We Help Each Other and converted to 528HZ.

To hear more about the The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame hear Magenta speak here

To purchase The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame go here

For more on Magenta Pixie go here

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We Help Each Other
We Help Each Other Podcast
Deejay Cloud's Cool Crafty Conscious Musical Podcast Created and Converted to 528HZ Constructed Cautiously in the Spirit of Edutainment.